Yoga’s Origins
Yoga, a word derived from the Sanskrit root “Yuj”, is the spiritual pursuit one takes in order to bring harmony between the body, the mind and the spirit. “Yuj” meaning, “to yoke” “to join” or “to unite”, resonates with the idea that an individuals consciousness unites with that of the Universal consciousness when practicing the art of Yoga. The idea that union is derived through the practice of yoga comes from it’s boundless ability to bring awareness to oneself on a deeper level and also to understand one’s personal connection with the world and the divine spirit within themselves helping to manifest the destiny of the body, mind and soul in practice.
The Different Approaches to Yoga
The approach to Yoga varies in its many sought out outcomes. Often times, Yoga is used as the pathway to health and fitness, whilst others benefit from it through the form of therapy. Though there are no wrong or negative approaches and outcomes to taking a Yoga class, the creation of Yoga was initially intended for the elevation of one’s inner wellbeing. Whether it be the way you choose to exercise your body to health or the way you forge a deeper connection with yourself, Yoga never falls short of elevating your well being. Dependent on why you do Yoga will be the main factor in choosing from the many different styles of practice that Yoga offers.
Using Music as a Tool in Yoga Practice
One thing remains true in the essence of Yoga, you are your own creator. You are ultimately the one who makes the decisions of how, when, why, with whom, how deeply you will surrender your body parts in a certain position etc. and most importantly, you are the grand juror in the choice of space and energy that surrounds you while you are in your practice. Some like silence, while others take advantage of the benefits music will gift while in their flow. Benefits may include a higher rate of focus for some, a tool to stimulate “flow” or fluid physical motion between positions, or to help with breathing patterns.
The Selection of Music in Yoga
The different advantages that come with including music to your practice is solely reliant on the type of music that is chosen. Using Radio Art’s Music Channel will allow the release of stress on the mind and create harmony in that of the practitioner and the space that surrounds them. Here at Radio Art, we take pride in our handpicked collection of Yoga music, only choosing the sounds that will best compliment your flow.The different advantages that come with including music to your practice is solely reliant on the type of music that is chosen. Using Radio Art’s Music Channel will allow the release of stress on the mind and create harmony in that of the practitioner and the space that surrounds them. Here at Radio Art, we take pride in our handpicked collection of Yoga music, only choosing the sounds that will best compliment your flow.
Connecting Through the Power of Pairing Music and Yoga
To create connection amidst the body and the mind is to respect, to appreciate and to accept yourself. Connection is one of the sole proprietors in creating a meaningful life and it is known to come easier through the use of sound. “Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart,” the 20th century composer Pablo Casals, also regarded as one of the greatest cellist of all time, speaks. Whether it is through expression of thyself or communication to others, music holds the power to connect us to a higher state of being. Having the courage to express ourselves makes it easier to connect with others, helping to give us purpose. Yoga is known to allow and call for the same immeasurable amount of expression, by pair Yoga with music grants you with absolute power in achieve a greater state of inner wellbeing.
The essence of yoga is the soaring of our spirit towards inherent goodness and the eclectic collection of evocative, emotional, uplifting and introspective songs that the Radio Art Yoga channel provides helping to convey that feeling of elevation. Leaving no room for distraction or stress is the Art that the Radio Art Channel creates.